Comments for Arctic Ed's Travelog II
A scientific journey to the North AtlanticMon, 13 Oct 2014 23:31:32 +0000hourly1 on About Ed Hazzard by Ed Hazzard
Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:31:32 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?page_id=2#comment-226I’m not the owner of Elskov, just the crew. The owner is Finley Perry. He just brought it back from Nova Scotia to Salem MA this fall. If you’d like to say hello to him (I’m sure he’d appreciate it), write to
]]>Comment on About Ed Hazzard by Alison
Sat, 11 Oct 2014 01:36:57 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?page_id=2#comment-225We met Finley on our way north in 2013. He was at Battle Harbour in his board member role so we didn’t get to see Elskov but enjoyed learning about the trip. Great to see your write up! We didn’t go back to Labrador this summer and really missed it.
Fair winds,
Russ & Alison Nichols
SV Andante
]]>Comment on About Ed Hazzard by Ed Hazzard
Wed, 11 Jun 2014 00:40:10 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?page_id=2#comment-192I was crew. Finley Perry is the owner of Elskov, and he’s kept it in impeccable condition. I’m sure he would love to hear from you. I agree it’s a fine boat. Currently it’s in Baddeck at Henry Fuller’s boatyard, but soon it will return to Maine.
]]>Comment on About Ed Hazzard by Dave Lombardi
Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:12:38 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?page_id=2#comment-191Are you the owner of Elskov? I’ve been in love with that boat for 30 years. I used to work at EYC in Marblehead when I was in college. Mr Smith owned it then and it used to be owned by the Noyes, one of their Tiogas. The most beautiful sloop I’ve ever seen. Inside and out. One of Aage Neilsen’s finest. Just curious.
Fair weather to you always.
Dave Lombardi
]]>Comment on Blueberries for all! by Polly
Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:32:44 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?p=109#comment-39Here’s a great video of comb jellies feeding–
]]>Comment on Cape Harrigan by Anne
Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:54:28 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?p=103#comment-11Happy Birthday, Ed!
Never knew about the arctic optical illusion. Neat!
]]>Comment on First polar bear siting! by Anne
Sat, 24 Aug 2013 18:05:01 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?p=95#comment-9Ed, As before, I’m fascinated with your account. Caribou, seals, polar bears, whales…the landscape being the main character. Thanks for your part instigating my birthday gift from the family in support of MY adventures. Love, Anne
]]>Comment on First polar bear siting! by Emily
Sat, 24 Aug 2013 14:54:04 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?p=95#comment-8Sam and I are amazed by your polar bear and whale sightings! What a banner couple of days!
]]>Comment on Underway… by Ruth Hazzard
Sat, 24 Aug 2013 14:39:19 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?p=76#comment-7Greetings, Ed, crew and wonderful sailboat! I love that your story of the north begins in the same Innuit town that I was in in 1976, at the end our our canoe trip from Shefferville. The name has changed, but the place may not have changed that much, and the terrain hardly at all. I recall our final day on the river, looking across that WIDE Koksoak, coming on caribou trails, lighting a fire at lunch because we were so cold, and moving our canoes up because the tide was coming in. And arriving back in civilization, six women and three canoes, and being welcomed most of all by some of the people who worked at the airport. They said, you don’t seem typical of what we think of as Americans….
I trust you will enjoy your birthday somewhere along the shores of Labrador! Happy Birthday in the Arctic!
We are off to dance, sing, and play music, babysit (in French), eat well, and generally enjoy ourselves at Pine Woods for a week. There is a piano workshop among the offerings, looking forward to that. All is well here. This morning we canned up 7 qt and 7 pts of peaches, and about the same of tomato juice. Tropics!
Anne received her ticket-to-adventure promise last night, and seems pretty happy to have her own adventuring spirit nourished by the family.
]]>Comment on Prancing caribou by Melissa
Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:43:27 +0000http://labrador.concord.local/?p=83#comment-6Sounds fabulous Ed! Can’t wait to see photos! Hope all continues to go well.